Climate and energy guidance provided to Covenant Coordinators and Supporters at the Genova International Workshop

On the 19th of May 2011 the Province of Genova welcomed 120 participants at the 1st International Workshop for Supporting Structures (SSt) organized within the ENERGY FOR MAYORS project. Supporting Structures (SSt) - now called Covenant Supporters (CS) and Covenant Coordinators (CC) - are organisations that actively support and guide cities and towns that joined the Covenant of Mayors initiative ( The ENERGY FOR MAYORS project assists them in their work by organizing a series of trainings and offering them guidance material to improve support provided to municipalities.

At the successful Genova workshop, new tools for SSt were presented. Building on the 1st survey conducted by the Province of Barcelona to identify needs and methodologies used by SSt, Giorgia Rambelli of ICLEI Europe presented the newly launched “Toolbox of Methodologies on Climate and Energy”. Accessible at, this online database contains a growing collection of useful resources and methodologies for SSt. In addition to this a new Support Package has been released, offering practical guidance to SSts and showing typical needs identified, as well as solutions to help the growing number of Covenant Coordinators and Supporters.

On the technical side, Sogesca helped exploring financial issues and funding possibilities, while the JRC (Joint Research Center) addressed the development and approval of Baseline Emission Inventory (BEI) and Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP). Genova´s Port Energy Action Plan (PEAP), the 58 SEAPs developed by the Province of Huelva and initiatives such as “Famiglie Salvaenergia” showed the praiseworthy effort of local authorities and the high level of commitment in supporting them by their SSt.

Intense discussions focused on ways to mobilise political commitment of local governments and other stakeholders. A common element highlighted was the need for strong support of local climate and energy action by national and regional governments.

The ENERGY FOR MAYORS project is co-funded by European Commission through the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) programme.

