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The ENERGY FOR MAYORS project was very successful in supporting the Covenant of Mayors initiative and its key actors, as well as in contributing to the sustainable energy development on the local level. Below you may learn more about the achievements that we’re especially proud of: Increasing the capacity of Covenant Coordinators and Supporters across EuropeCovenant Coordinators and Supporter play a vital role in the CoM implementation – assisting municipalities in the SEAP process. Yet, they themselves need guidance and resources to be successful in this task. The ENERGY FOR MAYORS – as the first IEE project – strengthened CC&CS and increased their capacity inter alia through organization of a series of focused training seminars and workshops, development of a Support Package, exchange of experience and networking. Development of a user-friendly Toolbox of Methodologies on Climate and EnergyThe Toolbox was developed in order to centralize available tools, methods and guidance materials on sustainable energy planning and implementation. It is a user-friendly, multi-language online tool that helps both the CC&CS and the local authorities in the SEAP process. It already includes over 1 000 resources and the number is still growing thanks to the engagement of registered users who can add new resources to the Toolbox and evaluate existing ones. The success of the Toolbox can be demonstrated by the numbers – there are over 200 registered users and nearly 5 000 unique visitors visited the Toolbox since December 2012. Development of the first “Joint SEAP” in EuropeThe “Valli del S.O.L” group of municipalities located West from Genova (IT) joined forces and developed first “Joint SEAP” in Europe. The municipalities, which have less than 5 000 inhabitants each, soon realized that they couldn’t fulfill the CoM commitments easily and effectively without pooling resources. Therefore, they decided to take advantage of well established cooperation and common territorial identity and to developed a common SEAP with the shared CO2 reduction target and a set common actions. The common actions cover buildings, public lighting, mobility, use of RES and communication and planning. Except for them, each municipality included in the SEAP some individual actions that are bound to local context. The “Joint SEAP” was developed with the technical support of the Province of Genova, coordinator of the ENERGY FOR MAYORS project. Development of a SEAP together with an Energy Management System to benefit from the synergies between the two toolsThe ENERGY FOR MAYORS tested the possibility of developing a SEAP together with an Energy Management System following new ISO 50001 standard. SEAPs integrated with EnMS were developed in 8 pilot municipalities who benefited from the synergies between these two important tools. The activity helped to set up a standard for a monitoring system for SEAPs and contributed to the structuring of internal and external communication. It resulted in a very interesting guidebook that can help other municipalities to take advantage of this experience and adopt a similar approach. Helping over 80 Covenant signatories to meet their goalsThe ENERGY FOR MAYORS supported over 80 municipalities from different European countries in the development and implementation of a SEAP and in engaging citizens and local stakeholders in the process. These were mostly small and medium municipalities that lacked capacity and resources to successfully carry out the SEAP process on their own. Many more local authorities took part in the training events and exchange of experience organized by the project partners and increased their capacity in the fields of sustainable energy planning and implementation Implementation of various interesting and replicable investments aiming at CO2 reductionProject partners also supported municipalities involved in the project in the implementation of selected actions envisaged in their Sustainable Energy Action Plans. Many interesting investments were implemented that may be a source of inspiration for other European local authorities engaged in climate protection and energy saving. Below are described some most interesting examples:
Involving citizens in local energy actionsThe ENERGY FOR MAYORS project also successfully involved citizens and local stakeholders in the development and implementation of local Sustainable Energy Action Plans, as well as in other energy-related initiatives implemented by their local authorities. This was accomplished through the organization of a series of energy forums and energy days targeting different groups of stakeholders. Some project partners went even further! For example, the City of Zagreb each year organized whole Energy Week with many different events aiming at the promotion of energy saving and RES use. Very interesting was also the competition “My Green World” organized for the students by ECQ, Bugarian partner of the project. During the competition students had to make pictures, drawings, models or write a couple of lines related to energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and green energy. Every participant received a t-shirt with the project logo and symbols of different RES – water, sun and wind - as well as the certificate. The winners in different categories received also certificates of achievements. |